24 ianuarie 2011


 Hey guys! I felt the need to write a new post and I was thinking of sharing an experience of mine and a friend's with the well-known professional makeup company Il-makiage.I heard lots of stories about the lack of professionalism wich surrounds their team of makeup ARTISTS.So here I go... 
I got convinced by a friend to go at Il-makiage for a demonstration of professional makeup so here I was...sitting on a chair inside their demonstration room,with other 7-8 girls sitting just like me,listening to a makeup artist talking about their great products.After the introductive speech,the 2 makeup artists who were there took each and everyone to do a makeup on us.So my turn came,I sat on a chair and the interrogation began:-Wich colours do you normally use?(me: hmm....almost all colours) -Wich colour do you use for you lips?(me:hmm...I like them natural as I tend to do my eyes more) -Are you interrested in any of our products?(me:hmmm....some eye makeup remover wich you don't have in stock) -Any other product that you like?(me:hmm...not really) I was getting very frustrated as I watched the makeup artist swaping brushes,mascara and other tools with the other makeup artist.Despite the fact that they didn't have enough brushes for 2 people...there was also only 1 dying mascara(finished I mean,caput!)...the worst thing is that they didn't even clean the brushes from one person to another and I was almost getting mad.The make-up was finished in approximately 6 minutes-my face didn't have foundation,just powder,pink mate blush, 2 black lines at the eyes and little mascara coz there wasn't any left:)) and the lips...my favourite part.This is when I understood why she asked me all those questions about what i normally do as makeup.The lips were red! Excuse me...I love red...I am a big fan of red...On clothes,eyes,lips,everything!Strong colour!But not on me.I looked like a little clown with big red lips.Red doesn't go with me.She should have known that.But I got the strategy...6 minutes makeup/person=more possible clients.Use colours that the person doesn't normally use-they will find the makeup great because it brings a change on their face.And after the makeup is done-ask again all does questions about What product do you like? maybe...but maybe...they will buy.Great marketing strategy!I must tell you that before I got on the chair...all who were before me bought at least one product.The ones who came after me...not at least one.They really had a hard time with me because of my hollow/harshly comments and responses.What can I say? No professionalism,no hygiene,not pleasing the possible customer.
Today I talked to a friend and heard another funny story about the powder Il-Makiage offers to sell.It's hard as a rock and you can't take the powder off it's case.I mean...you can't use it,neither put it on a sponge/brush/anything. So my friend returned to their beloved company and asked them for a new powder.They said that if you peel the first layer of the powder with your nails it will work.Whattt????Did I just give money on a powder for me to clean it with my nails????So this is it folks!Hope you enjoy their products and their masterpieces.They sure convinced me!Good job

5 comentarii:

  1. True story indeed! They even tried to convince me, it was the professional way to use the powder..:))..so go ahead girls...your nails have work to do ;)

  2. Am trecut si eu printr-o experienta asemanatoare. M-am dus in speranta ca ma vor machia intr-un mod mai special, ceva sa ma faca sa zic Uau! cum zic cand ma uit la pozele tale, dar m-am machiat aproape cum ma machiez si eu de obicei, un pic de maro in exterior si roz piersica in interior, a si rujul rosu despre care am vazut ca zici si tu, rimel mai deloc.. Nu au resuit sa ma faca sa cumpar ceva :))

  3. am avut si eu parte de aproape aceeasi experienta!
    la fel ca si ramona ma asteptam la ceva spectaculos, la sfaturi, la ceva...interesant. m-au machiat cu roz la ochi, rimmelul nu se vedea deloc, o toooona de fond de ten si rujul rosu eu una l-am refuzat inca de cand am vazut ca pune mana pe el, asa ca a ales unul roz :| si nu, nu am cumparat nimic, slava domnului!

  4. :)la mine indignarea a pornit de la faptul ca se considera profesionisti
