Photo taken by Sorin Ionita.
Makeup by me
And of course are beloved model- Fedelia.
31 ianuarie 2011
30 ianuarie 2011
More pictures of Fedelia
So I guess this time the teasing hasn't lasted so long because I'm very anxious to show you the pictures from are last photoshoot. Concept by Sorin Ionita Photohraphy.
Makeup by me.
Makeup by me.
Atypical Geisha Teaser
Sorin Ionita Photography team had the pleasure of working with Fedelia.Absolutely gorgeous,funny,out-going,open-minded with amazing posing skills like a true model baby! From 100 shots wich were taken,80% of the pictures are fierce and are great! Here is the teaser!Hope you enjoy!
29 ianuarie 2011
Beat of Angels Car Wash
I had the pleasure of working again with Luciano Sultan team at Car Wash Show in BOA Club Bucharest. Here are some of my makeups.I'll post more photos soon. (Photos taken by Sorin Ionita Photography )
beat of angels,
car wash show,
club boa,
evenimente bucuresti,
gomorrah sultan,
luciano sultan,
makeup de show,
petrecere in club boa,
roxana dragomir
27 ianuarie 2011
Viva Espana
26.01.2001: The event "Viva Espana" took place in Princess Club,Bucharest,and was well organized by Luciano Sultan team.The makeup was done by me and the photos by Sorin Ionita. Hope you enjoy!
Next stop...BOA(Beat of Angels). More photos coming soon...stay tuned.
Next stop...BOA(Beat of Angels). More photos coming soon...stay tuned.
24 ianuarie 2011
Hey guys! I felt the need to write a new post and I was thinking of sharing an experience of mine and a friend's with the well-known professional makeup company Il-makiage.I heard lots of stories about the lack of professionalism wich surrounds their team of makeup ARTISTS.So here I go...
I got convinced by a friend to go at Il-makiage for a demonstration of professional makeup so here I was...sitting on a chair inside their demonstration room,with other 7-8 girls sitting just like me,listening to a makeup artist talking about their great products.After the introductive speech,the 2 makeup artists who were there took each and everyone to do a makeup on us.So my turn came,I sat on a chair and the interrogation began:-Wich colours do you normally use?(me: hmm....almost all colours) -Wich colour do you use for you lips?(me:hmm...I like them natural as I tend to do my eyes more) -Are you interrested in any of our products?(me:hmmm....some eye makeup remover wich you don't have in stock) -Any other product that you like?(me:hmm...not really) I was getting very frustrated as I watched the makeup artist swaping brushes,mascara and other tools with the other makeup artist.Despite the fact that they didn't have enough brushes for 2 people...there was also only 1 dying mascara(finished I mean,caput!)...the worst thing is that they didn't even clean the brushes from one person to another and I was almost getting mad.The make-up was finished in approximately 6 minutes-my face didn't have foundation,just powder,pink mate blush, 2 black lines at the eyes and little mascara coz there wasn't any left:)) and the favourite part.This is when I understood why she asked me all those questions about what i normally do as makeup.The lips were red! Excuse me...I love red...I am a big fan of red...On clothes,eyes,lips,everything!Strong colour!But not on me.I looked like a little clown with big red lips.Red doesn't go with me.She should have known that.But I got the strategy...6 minutes makeup/person=more possible clients.Use colours that the person doesn't normally use-they will find the makeup great because it brings a change on their face.And after the makeup is done-ask again all does questions about What product do you like? maybe...but maybe...they will buy.Great marketing strategy!I must tell you that before I got on the chair...all who were before me bought at least one product.The ones who came after me...not at least one.They really had a hard time with me because of my hollow/harshly comments and responses.What can I say? No professionalism,no hygiene,not pleasing the possible customer.
Today I talked to a friend and heard another funny story about the powder Il-Makiage offers to sell.It's hard as a rock and you can't take the powder off it's case.I can't use it,neither put it on a sponge/brush/anything. So my friend returned to their beloved company and asked them for a new powder.They said that if you peel the first layer of the powder with your nails it will work.Whattt????Did I just give money on a powder for me to clean it with my nails????So this is it folks!Hope you enjoy their products and their masterpieces.They sure convinced me!Good job
I got convinced by a friend to go at Il-makiage for a demonstration of professional makeup so here I was...sitting on a chair inside their demonstration room,with other 7-8 girls sitting just like me,listening to a makeup artist talking about their great products.After the introductive speech,the 2 makeup artists who were there took each and everyone to do a makeup on us.So my turn came,I sat on a chair and the interrogation began:-Wich colours do you normally use?(me: hmm....almost all colours) -Wich colour do you use for you lips?(me:hmm...I like them natural as I tend to do my eyes more) -Are you interrested in any of our products?(me:hmmm....some eye makeup remover wich you don't have in stock) -Any other product that you like?(me:hmm...not really) I was getting very frustrated as I watched the makeup artist swaping brushes,mascara and other tools with the other makeup artist.Despite the fact that they didn't have enough brushes for 2 people...there was also only 1 dying mascara(finished I mean,caput!)...the worst thing is that they didn't even clean the brushes from one person to another and I was almost getting mad.The make-up was finished in approximately 6 minutes-my face didn't have foundation,just powder,pink mate blush, 2 black lines at the eyes and little mascara coz there wasn't any left:)) and the favourite part.This is when I understood why she asked me all those questions about what i normally do as makeup.The lips were red! Excuse me...I love red...I am a big fan of red...On clothes,eyes,lips,everything!Strong colour!But not on me.I looked like a little clown with big red lips.Red doesn't go with me.She should have known that.But I got the strategy...6 minutes makeup/person=more possible clients.Use colours that the person doesn't normally use-they will find the makeup great because it brings a change on their face.And after the makeup is done-ask again all does questions about What product do you like? maybe...but maybe...they will buy.Great marketing strategy!I must tell you that before I got on the chair...all who were before me bought at least one product.The ones who came after me...not at least one.They really had a hard time with me because of my hollow/harshly comments and responses.What can I say? No professionalism,no hygiene,not pleasing the possible customer.
Today I talked to a friend and heard another funny story about the powder Il-Makiage offers to sell.It's hard as a rock and you can't take the powder off it's case.I can't use it,neither put it on a sponge/brush/anything. So my friend returned to their beloved company and asked them for a new powder.They said that if you peel the first layer of the powder with your nails it will work.Whattt????Did I just give money on a powder for me to clean it with my nails????So this is it folks!Hope you enjoy their products and their masterpieces.They sure convinced me!Good job
22 ianuarie 2011
Happy birthday Raluca!
I just ended up my day with a make-up(except the lips) for sweet Raluca who's celebrating her birthday tonight!Happy birthday girl!
21 ianuarie 2011
Today's photo shoots
Today,me and Sorin had the pleasure of working with Micky and Cornel.Micky's red hair inspired me to do a green make-up wich is in a great contrast with her hair.I also did some make-up on Cornel too and I admit that it's the first time I shaped a guy's face.I just traced some very well blended shadows on his face so he'll look more fierce! Hope you like the pictures! Kisses
PhotoShoot Giveaway!
Hey guys! We're putting up a contest for you! Send us your full name and pictures to or to get in the contest for a free photo shoot!Send your pictures 'till 31 ian 2011! We'll put 20 selected pictures in an album on Sorin Ionita Photography and the person who has the most Like's on 7 february will win a photo shoot(make-up and hairstyling too).The date of the photoshoot will be arranged afterwards. Start the sending,clock is ticking! Attend at: Attend this event!
16 ianuarie 2011
Special reservation for 28jan
I guess I told you guys about a new photoshoot coming up next and you had your first sneak peek so here is the second!Stay tuned..
P.S. : Sorry for the quality of the photos.
P.S. : Sorry for the quality of the photos.
14 ianuarie 2011
We ended up making a poker table and here is the result!Lucky dealer..You need a flush to beat that!
13 ianuarie 2011
New photoshoot coming up!
We’re planning on a new Photo Shoot!I won’t tell you too many details because of the fact that it is in process but a sneak peek won’t hurt anyone.We have talked to Fede,as I won’t give you her full name so you won’t check her up on facebook to spoil our surprise, and she’s agreed to take part in a photoshoot at the end of February.I’ll only say about: her beautiful face,white,pale skin,red little lips,black shaped eyes,amazing smile.I’ll only describe her outfit as a police tape and some ki…mo..nos.And her body..oh my God…a tattoo there…a tattoo here…another one over there…hmm….we shall see.Stay tuned!
11 ianuarie 2011
I thought of making it clear as for why I started this blog.I have a passion for colours.Some love them on their clothes,some love them on their nails,some love them on their hair,some don’t even love them...I love them on my eyes.High-school was the period when I began to become very fond of colours.I used to try all sort of crazy combinations-from green with pink to a crazy green-blue-yellow makeup.I was anxious of trying everyday a new combination of colours and I ended up buying a lot,but a lot of make-up.And someday I met Andreea.Lovely girl,Andreea was 2 weeks from finishing the Academy of make-up Giulia Nahmany and was getting ready to take her “exam” so she chose to do a makeup on me.I was on the chair of a real makeup artist!And I loved it! I loved the technique,I loved the shades,I loved the brushes,I loved the colours,I loved it all!
I surely don’t consider myself a makeup ARTIST but I would want to become one and not because I say so.So follow my steps and do not judge.I hope you like my work and ideas and I’ll try to do better and better.
Sincerely yours.
10 ianuarie 2011
What is causing the undereye problem?
How you choose your concealer.:
Based on what you need to hide:
-if the circles are dark-bluish-purple than you need to use a concealer with a light yellow base.
-the red spots are corrected with the light-green concealer
-for the puffines you should try a softer pink tone.
Based on your skin type:
-delicate skin,stress,insomnia,alcohol,too much sodium or water retention.They say that if you put ice on your undereye circles it will get better.I've tried it and didn't find any results.Maybe you have better luck than me.If you can't get rid of them then you really need to use a concealer to hide them.
Determine what you want to cover up
-blue or purple circles, reddish discoloration, puffiness, or some combination thereof? Are you also trying to minimize wrinkles and other imperfections? The answer to those questions may have an effect on the type and/or color of concealer chosen.
Based on what you need to hide:
-if the circles are dark-bluish-purple than you need to use a concealer with a light yellow base.
-the red spots are corrected with the light-green concealer
-for the puffines you should try a softer pink tone.
Based on your skin type:
-for thin,delicate skin:a creamier,vitamin,moisture enriched version would do the trick.
-for normal skin with slightly large pores there are concealing sticks
-for the oily skin you should use a mineral concealer.
Choose your concealer one or two shades ligher than your skin tone if you are wearing foundation.If not,try to choose one wich is closer to your skin tone.And most important-always try it before you buy it.
How to apply it?
Be cautious because the skin under your eyes is thin.You don't want more wrinkles to form.If you use a cream, powder, or mineral concealer, try using a concealer brush. It allows you to apply the concealer as lightly or heavily as you need without damaging the sensitive skin. Sticks, on the other hand, blend much better with a make-up sponge or your finger.
My recommendation:
-a really creamy concealer with a 80% coverage is from the brand Too Face.You can find it in any Sephora shop.The price is about 130-150 RON but it's worth it and it lasts a while because of it's consistency.
-another good concealer at a lower price is from Max Factor 20 RON.
If you need suggestions about any other concealers(the green,blue,purple or red ones) I would be happy to answer any question but remember-don't buy any concealer; first identify the spots you want to cover and then choose the right colour of the concealer.
The first thing you have to have in mind when you want to start a make-up is preparing your face for it.It makes your face into a paint-ready canvas, so getting the right kind of foundation is very important to achieve a flawless face.
Types of foundation:
There are 4 types of foundation:powder,cream,mineral and liquid.
How to choose the one that suites your skin?
*Powder foundation:This type of foundation is good for mixed up to oily skin.Don't forget to use a cream before applying this type of foundation because it can easily make dry patches more obvious.It is best applied with a large powder brush.The bad part about this type of foundation is the fact that t coverage is sheer to medium.On the other hand,I found out that there is a powder based foundation wich has a good coverage at Il-makiage professional make-up.
*The liquid foundation is great for all types of skin esspecially dry skin because it also has moisturizing properties.The good thing about this type of foundation is the coverage wich is medium to full.This type of foundation gives you the flawless,airbrushed look.I usually use pharmaceutical products regarding the foundation because of the fact that they contain less harmful substances.For a good coverage you can try out La Roche Posay or Vichi and for a small,light coverage I use Bourjois Repulpant Reboosting foundation.
*Cream foundation: Good for normal to dry skin.People with fine lines should avoid this type of foundation.It is best applied with a wedge and not with your fingers.The coverage is medium to full and you can try out Smashbox Camera Ready Full Coverage wich you can find on the internet.
*Cream foundation: Good for normal to dry skin.People with fine lines should avoid this type of foundation.It is best applied with a wedge and not with your fingers.The coverage is medium to full and you can try out Smashbox Camera Ready Full Coverage wich you can find on the internet.
*Mineral foundation-is great for all skin types but don't forget to moisturize your skin before applying.You can apply it very easy with a brush because this type of foundation usually comes in a loose powder form.And you can try out Bare Escentuals bareMinerals wich you can find on the internet.
As for how to apply the foundation I'll give you some tips:
*Liquid and Cream Foundation: Best applied with fingers or a wedge. Dot all over the skin, and then blend by pressing the foundation into the skin. Make sure to blend out the line under the jaw.Don't forget to set the foundation with a powder to prevent the skin oils breaking down the foundation.

Hope my article was usefull,and for any questions-I am gladly here to answer!
8 ianuarie 2011
![]() |
Joker |
This photo shoot was my latest and my favourite.We had so much fun with Daniela who is a very crazy and out-going person,perfect for not-so-random ideas as the one I'm presenting to you.Her make-up was brown-orange due to the fact that we were really keen on using the oranges on our photo shoot.And the colours match her eyes so it turned out really great.The first make-up was all dark-smokey eyes to get a really devilish look.The red lipstick reminds you of The Joker,no?:)
I introduce you to Nura wich I met this week.Really lovely smile and a warm personality.Her eyes are dark brown so what other colour with make them shine but brown?Her look is warm and i wanted to keep the same shade as her eyes so we chose a chessboard for that.I hope that her looks,my make-up and Sorin's photos convinced you!
Game Over!
I present to you Diana!We made her dazzle with a domino necklace but as this is a make-up blog I chose the picture in wich you can very well see the make-up.
Crazy gone rogue!
In assocciation with Sorin Ionita Photography now I have the chance to present to you the beginning of my make-up portofolio.I had the pleasure of working with Daniela-a girl with a funny,cute,warm smile and enchanting eyes.In the first picture you can see her wearing the perfect plastic-bag bow wich we made for her and in the same shade-the make-up.I hope you enjoy our bold idea because in the next picture you will se Daniela wrapped around in bandage so that her eyes and lips will be in the full attention of the photographer.
Laura, the gymnast
This was a project I had with Vali,a guy who has a passion for photography.Laura was one of my first "victims" and we did have a lot of fun.The first make-up was very bold,with very strong colours because we wanted her to be very colourfull.The shadows were made with a shade of strong pink and a shade of strong turquoise.The second make-up was something really light,a brown-gold make-up,just as she will look natural and elegant.
This was my first portrait done by Sorin Ionita Photography in wich I tried to make the contrast between green and red.The make-up requieres a simple technique-I used an eyeliner to trace a contour of my eyes and then I used green to add a shadow.The lips should have a natural colour because of the fact that both green and red are strong colours.It is nothing complicated about it and with a little practice you can do it yourself.
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